A Grandfather's Instructions for Life - Part 1
Living by these instructions will not only help you, but will help everyone around you as well
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When I was a kid, my Granddad, and hero/mentor/idol gave me a list entitled, “A Grandfather’s Instructions for Life.” Confused, I read through this extensive list not having a strong grasp on what all these rules meant. My Granddad simply told me to refer to this list often throughout my life, and always keep a smile on my face. I took his word for it, and as I grew up, I referred to this list more times than I can count. Even as a grown man I still read through the sentimental list when I am needing Grandad’s advice.
As I was pondering the topic of my next newsletter, it dawned on me that rather than keeping this wisdom to myself, I should share it with others in the hopes that it will help you all in the way that it has helped me so many times. I will be listing out each instruction, one by one, and giving a little blurb of my own thoughts and feelings. Grandad was a very thorough man with lots to share, so this is only half of his life instructions. Look out for social media posts to let me know if you want the rest of Grandad’s instructions for life!
Without further a due, Grandad’s Instructions for Life:
1. Compliment three people each day
We all know that feeling of receiving a genuine compliment from a stranger and being so overjoyed and confident the rest of the day. We need more positivity and kindness like this in the world, which is why this instruction could not be more accurate.
2. Watch a sunrise at least once a year
The earth has so much natural beauty to offer us, but it is so often taken for granted in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Watching a sunrise early in the morning gives your body the fresh start to the day that you didn’t know it needed. Letting our minds remember that we wake up everyday on this great earth starts your day in the right mindset. I would do this one more than once a year if you are able.
3. Look people in the eyes
I have said this many times before in my career-focused articles: eye contact is key. Making eye contact with the person you are talking with shows interest and fosters better conversation. No matter if it is a friend or a co-worker, I encourage everyone to look up more and truly listen to the people they are talking to.
4. Say “thank you” a lot
Saying “thank you” is basic manners and something that everyone should have already been doing multiple times a day. This goes for scenarios where you might not think to say “thank you” such as when the waiter brings you water, when someone holds the door for you, when your mom cooks dinner for your family, etc. Express your appreciation for others and what they do because if you don’t, people might not continue being nice to you for much longer. Food for thought.
5. Say “please” a lot
Just like above, saying please goes a long way! Say it often and say it to everyone. There is not much more I need to say on this one.
6. Live beneath your means
We live in a very materialistic society right now. Do not let yourself get sucked into it, as it is not a financially smart way to live. Save, invest, and budget. When you do those three things you will be able to live comfortably and without worry. I think people would agree financial freedom is better than living paycheck to paycheck because of an addiction to nice things and name brands.
7. Treat everyone you meet as you want to be treated
Think about the things throughout your day that put a smile on your face and do those things for the people around you. Shake people’s hands, smile, and be kind. This will create deeply positive relationships throughout your life, whether it is with people you just met or lifelong friends.
8. Donate two pints of blood each year
This one sounds a little strange, but blood is crucial for living. If you are healthy and able, why not donate a little bit of yours if it will save someone else’s life? This is a beautiful form of charity that often, and unfortunately, gets overlooked.
9. Make new friends, but cherish the old ones
Growing your network is so important, which is why you should always be willing and accepting of adding new friends to your life. It is equally as important to foster and nurture your existing relationships. Make sure you put equal energy into both of those relationships.
10. Keep secrets
In other words, do not gossip and share things that are not yours to share. If someone confides in you, show them the same respect you would want and keep it to yourself. This shows your loyalty and trustworthiness to friends and family. Loyalty and trustworthiness are priceless characteristics.
11. Admit your mistakes
Not admitting your mistakes can lead you down a dark path, or worse, keep you in a delusional space about the reality of situations. Being able to take ownership of your mistakes and apologize in the moment will only benefit your life and help you always be growing and moving forward.
12. Be brave. Even if you are not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference.
This is a big one. People usually curl up in the face of uncertainty or hard times. People that put on the face of determination, always prevail. Being brave will not only help you survive adversity, but even show you things about yourself you did not even know were there. Being brave takes courage and will carry you far in life.
13. Read the Bill of Rights
Really knowing and understanding our rights, liberties, and laws as American citizens is very important. Take the time to sit down and read them until you know them by heart. I bet you wish you paid more attention in middle school history right now, don’t you?
14. Use credit cards only for convenience, never for credit
I like this one because I wrote a whole article about the importance of credit. It is such a powerful tool if used right and you have a sturdy plan for it. Do not let yourself get carried away and use your credit card as if it were a debit card that you do not have to pay off. You could find yourself in some hot water financially.
15. Never cheat
Never cheat on people, tests, don’t cut corners, and don’t take the easy way out. People that cheat in anything always get caught. Whether you get caught in the moment or years down the road, choosing to be dishonest will always end in hurt feelings. When it comes to career, life, and finances, remain faithful and honest and loyal.
16. Learn to listen. Opportunity sometimes knocks very softly
The second sentence perfectly summarizes why listening is so important. The smartest people in the room are often not the ones dominating the conversation., but the ones listening, observing, and processing. I challenge everyone to be more aware of how much they talk verses how much they listen.
17. Never deprive someone of hope, it might be all he/she has
Do you want to make someone’s day better? Tell them their dream is amazing and they can absolutely achieve it if they keep going. There are too many people in this world lacking the support they need to go on. Be the person in someone’s life who unconditionally provides reassurance and encouragement. Break away from what the rest of the world does, outline the negatives. Give people the positivity they are craving.
18. Ask not for things, but for wisdom, courage, and honesty
This one resonates with me because we have all become so used to asking for the things we want. We have some how forgotten that the most important “things” in our life are not tangible things at all. Wisdom, courage, and honesty are the pillars on which a truly beautiful life is built.
19. Never act when you are angry
Instead, sleep on it. Overreacting is something we have all been guilty of at one time or another. Those that take themselves out of the moment and act after processing, bode a much better outcome than those that act out of anger. Just try and think of the last time you made a choice that ended well when you were in a fit of rage. I’ll wait.
20. Have good posture. Enter a room with purpose and confidence
Not only do we sit too much, but we also need to boost our confidence. Stand tall and put on a smile no matter what setting you are in, and the benefits will follow.
21. Do not discuss business in elevators. You never know who may overhear you
The instruction itself really says it all. This does not only apply to elevators, but all public areas. Save private conversations for private settings.
22. Never pay for work before it is completed
Paying things up front is not usually a wise move. You always want to see the job that was done before you pay for that service. This relates to contract work, creative help, financial services, and everything else in between. I mean for crying out loud, you don’t pay for the pizza until you get it, so why would you pay for a full kitchen renovation before seeing how it turned out?
23. Buy whatever kids are selling on tables in their front yards
As you might have guessed, my kindergarten teacher girlfriend loves this one. Supporting kids that have entrepreneurial aspirations is key to our growth as humans. You never know – that kid you bought lemonade from could go on to be the next Steve Jobs. Rather than crushing a kids’ spirit, boost it and buy their glitter rocks or paintings or dolls made from toilet paper rolls.
24. Generously support the charities of your choice
There are thousands of charity organizations doing amazing work for our communities. Find one that aligns with your beliefs and help in any way you can. Donating time and energy is equally as valuable as donating money, and we all have time to lend a hand.
Part Two?
If you can even believe it, this newsletter only just scrapes the surface of Grandad’s full list. Let me know in the comments if you liked this article and I will put together the rest of the epic instructions for life.
I hope these sentiments gave you a new perspective that you can take with you and use them in your daily life. This newsletter tends to focus on specific personality traits that are useful in a business world, tangible skills you should have, but truly the most important thing is that you are a good person. That is what we need in this world. These instructions will surely keep you on the right path in life.
You Should Definitely Share: The In-Between Newsletter
This newsletter has been growing so much since I started it in August! We are already up to 243 subscribers. Let’s keep the momentum going!
I want this newsletter to be for anyone, all ages, and all backgrounds.
Like I said above, I feel like the public school system does not always teach us some of the most important information we need to be ready for the real world. And so, The In-Between Newsletter was born. I write about topics ranging from career, finances, personal development, and everything else in between that I think everyone would benefit from.
So, if you know anyone that would benefit from a weekly newsletter written by a great, humorous, overall exceptional writer, then share the link and just put in an email!
I appreciate all the endless support and look forward to growing this thing even bigger.