Evolution of Work: In-Office, Hybrid, & Remote
The 3 work environments and how you can be successful in each
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Work Has Evolved
You all probably remember the days of listening to an older family member lecture you about what they had to go through back in their day:
Walking uphill, both ways, in the snow, barefoot, just to get to work
Worked in a cubical
Worked a normal “9-5”
Went home
That kind of work makes up most people’s experience. Slowly, though, ever since the “dot com boom,” we have been moving towards newer styles of work. Work options that give everyone the ability to choose what is best for them. This took off right around March of 2020, when something happened. I am totally blanking on what that was, but it was that time when nobody could leave their houses, people were wearing surgical gloves to the grocery store, and drinking hours started around 11:00 am. You know, that time.
Because of that time, we now have three styles of work:
Hybrid Model
Remote Work
The purpose of this article is to break down each style of work and provide tips on how to be successful, no matter what model of work your company is utilizing. I might be early on in my career, but crazily enough, I have worked in all three work set-ups. It is not that crazy; I have had a job since I was sixteen years old and had to join the workforce during the unbelievably unpredictable time of the pandemic.
Arguably, the most popular and most used model of work. The premise of this model is everyone commutes into one singular office to conduct work.
How to be successful, you might ask?
Being able to develop a routine was key for me. Routines are crucial for creating structure in your day. This is especially true if you work in a fast-paced job. Knowing exactly where you need to be and when, and what you need to be working on at what time will help you to stay organized and productive.
Having everything I needed for work brought me comfort. What do I mean by that? Basically, going into an office everyday can be stressful because you need to figure out what things make you the most productive and keep you going throughout the day. So, look at the backpack you take to work and put together a list of things you need to bring each day.
Office supplies (ex. your favorite pen)
Tech components (ex. chargers)
Organizational things for your desk
Having these things will make your life better and your time more effectively utilized. In my experience, the worst thing ever is realizing you forgot something the second you make it to work. You would be surprised; it can really throw off your whole day.
Engaging with your team and coworkers is key. If you are going to be in an office with everyone, it is great to develop those work relationships. This is a broad topic so let me breakdown some examples:
Chats with people in all levels of the company
In these quick coffee chats you can develop a relationship with that person or use it as a quick second to bounce some ideas off that person depending on their position at the company. Everyone is busy so this is sometimes the best time have a quick chat if you cannot find time in their schedule to have a full-on meeting.
Who doesn’t love a good team lunch?
Team lunches are a great way to develop chemistry within your team. If you have thought about scheduling a team lunch, I would highly recommend it. They can be a great way for everyone on the team to let their guard down and remember we are all human, and we can engage in conversations about more than just work.
Find someone who can teach you the next level
This is one of my favorite tips because if your goal is to rise within the company, you need to find a mentor, or at least someone who can always answer your questions. People are not going to go out of their way to teach you, so you need to take the initiative.
In conclusion, get to know your co-workers and start making connections!
Hybrid Model
This model is so simple, yet so complex at the same time. There are many variations of this model, which means you are going to have to be flexible.
The basic definition of a hybrid model is that the office is open to those who want to come in, but you are also more than welcome to choose to work from home. This also means you can switch back and forth; some days you might choose to go into the office and other days it might be easier to work from home. The hybrid model can be set up in a way that gives people the option to either work remotely or in the office. It is dependent on what is best for the individual employee. This might be the new most popular style of work since the pandemic.
How to be successful?
Flexibility is your friend. Like I said above, this is probably the most important trait to have to be successful because things will be changing constantly. Being able to switch gears and stay on your feet will help you tremendously.
Make sure everyone is on the same page. Every company has the ability to overcommunicate with technology, so make sure the expectation is clear.
Be the one that keeps everyone on the same page:
Write out Slack/Teams/Email messages to the whole team
If you see a disconnect, correct it
Develop methods that keep everyone aligned
If someone is not included on something they should probably be seeing, give them the update
You need to block out time for your own work. Why is this so hard to do? Because everyone wants everyone else’s time, which means your time fills up if you do not establish your needs to be successful.
Look over your average week and carve out time on your calendar that is dedicated to your uninterrupted work time. This can be your “deep work” time and your future self with thank you when you realize how much work you can get done by creating these time periods.
While you are all applying for jobs or currently in a job that is shifting, this model is becoming the most popular option for companies, so make sure you have the skills to be successful.
Remote Work
This model of work is in the title. You are working remotely from the office. You can work wherever you want: home, coffee shop, your mom’s house, the public library, etc. This model has become a popular option for companies because it gives them the ability to expand their hiring pool as it eliminates the obstacle of the employee potentially having to relocate.
How to be successful?
Learn the support structures and utilize them. Working remotely eliminates the ease of leaning over to the person next to you to ask a question. You will have to utilize those communication technologies addressed above for even the simplest of clarifications. This can be frustrating, so it is important that you feel comfortable messaging whenever you have a question.
Companies typically have many support systems in place to help answer any questions you have. It is your job to use them. I highly recommend this for newer employees. This will make your transition into the role so much easier! Look out for these types of structures at your company:
Tech support
Learning tools
Team support
Be empathetic to the different working environments. Remote work is great as it allows people to work from home which can make life a whole lot easier, but it does not change the fact that they could still be dealing with elements of at-home work that you are unaware of. It is important to stop yourself from making quick judgements about people who choose one model of work over the other.
Here is a list of things you can do to be empathetic towards the differing work environments:
Do not require cameras to be on during meetings
If someone seems to be having a hard day, support as needed
If a teammate asks for help, do not ask why, just help
Nowadays, everyone works during different hours of the day, so respect when they are online/offline
This all comes down to prioritizing open and honest team communication. Developing team chemistry in a remote work environment is key!
Overcommunicate now, thank me later. When working remote, the only communication you have are messaging platforms such as Teams or Slack. A lot can get lost in translation. That is why making sure you are very detailed in your messaging with your team needs to be a priority. Ensure everyone is staying on the same page and things will not be misconstrued.
Companies are getting great at this as you can see most companies are striving in this remote work era because they put emphasis on overcommunication. Here are some more strategies:
Quick zoom calls at the beginning or end of day to get realigned on the day’s work
Detailed emails/messages instead of sending off quick non-detailed notes
Group chats with whole teams to make sure everyone stays aligned
If you have questions or comments, do not wait to send them out
Use apps like Asana to keep projects organized for the whole team
With so many companies shifting to the remote work model, there has never been a better time for us newbies to enter the workforce. You are no longer limited to your location; the job market is your oyster!
Pick The Model That Is Best for You
The evolution of work has brought more power back to the employee and the human in all of us. Take advantage of that by choosing the best work model for you and your life.
I hope these tips help you identify things you can work on and encourages you to explore other work models that might suit you better.